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Local Community Outreach – English Classes for ESL Students in Georgia

March 11th, 2023

Written by: Wendy Wang

Revised by: Stephanie Sun

We are thrilled to announce the expansion of our English classes for Korean students to include classes on Mondays! This new class was developed to assist students in our local community in Georgia who are learning English as a Second Language (ESL).

This opportunity was made possible through Alice, our Korean Class Secretary. She knew some parents who needed English help for their children, so Alice informed Building Bridges and we were eager to welcome these students. Because of the difference in English proficiency levels between these new ESL students and our current students, we decided to create a separate class for them.

After careful consideration, it was determined that Monday evenings would be the best time to host these classes as it is typically a day with less workload for students and more teachers available at that time. We have already had four successful classes so far, and we are ex*cited to continue reaching out to more students and helping them improve their English language skills.

These new classes are structured similarly to our existing Korean classes. We begin the class with a review of the homework question from the previous week. Then, we have our main lesson which alternates between reading stories, learning about American culture, or a role-play of a real life scenario to practice their conversational skills. The class concludes with an engaging game and a homework assignment so students can review what they learned.

This opportunity highlights the potential to serve more people in our local community and make a larger impact as seen through the positive feedback from both parents and students. Building Bridges is committed to expanding our outreach and joining the effort to provide more educational opportunities to all. If you or someone else you know is interested in joining the class, please contact us for more information.


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